As he says, he’s good at two things: family and climbing. A demon of speed and endurance, in love with the Polish Tatras and winter mountaineering. Maciek is a sought-after (and really chatty!) IVBV guide who can inspire anyone with his zest for adventure. In every mountain endeavor, he values the human factor above all else.
Ausgewählte Leistungen
How would you describe your relationship with nature?
It is correct :-)
If Mother Nature could talk, what do you think she would tell us humans?
She would say that we are pushing it too far and that sooner or later we’ll regret it; that we won’t be able to cope without her, but she will cope just fine without us.
Which mountain experience has shaped you most as a person?
The ascent of Nameless Trango Tower. It made me realize that if you really want something, you can operate at 120% of your capabilities. It also confirmed what I already knew, that the people we climb with are the most important thing in the mountains.
What basic qualities should your expedition partner have?
He/she must be able to put up with my constant talking :-)
Which LYO product can’t you imagine going on an expedition without?
Crema Catalana!
If you were not an athlete, who would you be?
I often wonder about this, and fortunately I still haven't found the answer.
Why climbing then?
Because apart from my family, this is probably what I am best at and what brings me the greatest joy.